Monday, May 9, 2016

On the farm right now.

So in the last 3 days I have lost 2 chickens. 2 of my favorites. Lucky was my Blue laced red Wyandotte that we spent so much time on trying to fix her after she got her leg pulled through the fence. She healed well, had a permanent limp, but ran around, ate and layed eggs like a normal hen. I lost her 2 nights ago. We locked the coop the next night, and then last night we had gotten busy when we got home I forgot to lock them up and I lost my naked neck hen. I will say that naked neck roosters are ugly. The one I have now is only still alive as my goal in farming was to raise my food, knowing how they were treated and that they lived happy lives. General has been picked on by other Roosters (who ended up in the stew pot) and was always sad and off by himself. We kept his daughter as she was pretty, I really liked her.
 (This picture is of Lucky, she is in the middle, this is soon after her injury, you can see she is holding her leg up)

(General's daughter, in front of the waterer)
Well the chickens are locked up tight for the night and we have a trap set to catch whatever it is that is killing them. When we lost chickens before all that were missing were their heads and their guts, the last 2 we lost, all that was left was a lot of feathers. We will continue to lock them in at night, even if we do catch whatever may be getting them, but I would like whatever it is to be out of the area.

I have been having a really hard time letting go of Remington. We have decided that for sure we will have Lizzy bred again, and pray that the next foal has no issues. I can't go through that whole process again, but I am willing to try again for that dream of having a miniature horse foal. We are looking for a stud now, I would like her to be bred before the end of the year, not so much right away as I am not sure I would want it born in this heat.

We have pigs coming in a bit. I saw the birth from 2 sows, and when they are weaned they will be coming home. So we are working on getting their pen set up. These pigs are being raised for meat. The girls have been warned as they were also at the birth, and I am sure will become attached to them. They will have names, just to make it easier when talking about them, but their names will be Chris P. Bacon (B. came up with this name "crispy bacon") and Hammy.

We are learning as we go, and I am hoping that I can get what I learn logged in, to either help myself one day in the future if a similar situation arises, or if I can help someone else just starting out like I am.

We are getting a horse on Wed. Her name is Reyna, she is 8 years old. We are all super excited and looking forward to having a horse that can be ridden again. We love Lizzy, but she is a pet. One day we may train her for pulling a cart, right now she is just here for us to love on and spoil. My oldest has used her in a few barrel races, and she loves riding her.

My duck Daisy hasn't laid any eggs in a while. If she has, either someone is snatching them, or she has a nest hidden somewhere. The last egg I found ended up falling under their pool and I was not able to reach it. Well tonight I cleaned their pool and the egg had spoiled and broke open. Oh my gosh I don't think I have ever smelt anything so foul before. It is awful.

I think that is about it for the night. Today was a good day. Staying busy, getting ready for Reyna, and just enjoying my small farm life.

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